
The “Matrescence” collection explores concepts of reality as a woman and a mother, the journey of parenthood and self discovery. The use of symbolism deepens perceptions and processes of identity and transitions, always with the underlying emphasis of nature as the root source of connectedness, transformation and evolution on a soul level.

After the birth of my first baby, I experienced what at first I thought was a self identity crisis, though I soon realised it to be a spiritual awakening. My world got turned upside down, as well as my perception of my own identity, goals and what’s important. I was totally unprepared and did not expect to be a parent . I embraced it whole heartedly after it sunk in, but for me, I think the element of surprise took me a while to adjust to this whole new ideology of life.

My way of adjusting was to strip it all back to the simple ways of just being ~ walks in nature, reflection, journaling, syncing with the moon, nourishing my body, meditation, yoga, art.

It’s one of those things when your world gets turned upside down but when you look back and you reflect, you really couldn’t see it any other way now, and you realise just how perfectly it all happened, even though in the moment it seemed “not to plan”.

I’ll never be the person I was before I fell pregnant. With the birth of a baby comes the birth of a mother.

Creating art was part of this process and the paintings in Matrescence are part of the result . X


An ode to earth